Getting Your Shit Together X Mental Health Monday
Falling off the bandwagon can be frustrating; you can have your shit together for a while and then suddenly you don’t have your shit together and it can be confusing which leads to frustration! Having a mental illness is tough and it's not necessarily your fault that you don't have your shit together, you can just wake up and not have a clue how to function correctly but you do have some power in the situation...So how do you get your shit together then? Getting your shit together requires baby steps, depending on the severity of your decline you may need to focus just on the basics for a while, give yourself a sticker when you've achieved it this will release endorphins and create a sense of achievement that you can and should be proud of; It's not easy breaking the cycle but even if you only do 1 basic task you'll start to feel a little more put together. It takes 3 weeks to form habits good or bad; the choice is yours how long you fall off the bandwagon for but...