Embossing Technique X Art Journey

The embossing technique is one I discovered by accident in 2020, I applied too much pressure on the pen whilst doing outlines and it created this embossed effect hence why I've called it the embossing technique...

This embossing technique, it also works as an anger management tool by releasing built up emotions in a healthy way. There's something therapeutic about stabbing the pen into the pre-drawn recycled material backgrounds and dragging the pen to do the outlines of the shapes you've created. IF you had really thick good quality paper it'd also work on that but i wouldn't suggest printer paper to do this as the pen WILL go through if you apply too much pressure. Applying pressure makes the piece become more 3D it adds texture because some of it's indented and the other parts are slightly raised. This is one of my favourite techniques I like to use, especially after using fluid art I feel like they compliment each other really well through the process of creating (what each technique releases) and also the aesthetics are visually unique and pleasing to the eye. 

The embossing technique is something I haven't needed to use in a long time which I suppose is a good thing it means there's not much to release. I do like the artistic quality of the embossing technique however and want to continue using this every month or so to maintain my mental health...here's some more images of pieces I've used the technique on.  
What are some anger management tools you utilise? 

Till next time,

Stevie x



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