Magic Mushrooms Art X My Story

So I tried magic mushrooms for the first and only time, I did some artwork and I was tripping my absolute balls off from it like it was coming up off the page being all trippy and vibrant, THE MOST THERAPEUTIC SHIT MAN. I've never experienced anything quite like it but the artwork produced is just insane, every piece had its own story of what it was trying to portray or show me. 

Shrooms' also taught me how to draw trippy creatures and I kinda want one of them tattooed on me.

I had a good and a bad trip I probably took too much for a first time though, basically I looked at my trippydraws phone screen and it unlocked a WHOLE NEW LEVEL that I weren't ready for and kinda sent me west for a sec. Luckily I was at home, I could talk myself out of it and it didn't last that long but it is VERY easy to have a bad trip on shrooms', ya gotta be in a healthy mindset which i wasn't and in a comfortable location with people you trust, always have a trip sitter (someone with a sober mind to keep ya safe from any delusions or harm)'s not something to do outside in my opinion because you can so easily go west; that's when ya start getting scared of trees for life n shit likeee

You can see the change in the art when I started to go west, goes from colourful to these waves around an eye. 
I've never coloured anything like this before, shrooms' had a lot to teach me and i'm so grateful for the experience. 
Overall i'm glad I did shrooms' and maybe sometime in the very distant future I may do it again but for now i'm still recovering my mental health and would be a terrible idea to do any psychedelics. I feel like they come to you when you're ready it's not something to force. They're a very powerful thing are psychedelics and I believe them to be a key experience of explaining what life is all about, lessons you wouldn't normally get to learn happen through psychedelics. HOWEVER. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, when you go west on acid that's next level and a lot harder to get out of in fact I didn't get out of it till the trip ended. I may do a post on my acid trips, had one good, two bad,  but I didn't do art back then so there's nothing to show.  

I wish I could remember more from my trip other than it was both good and bad but that's the thing with psychedelics it's hard to take in/put into words everything that happened. It was mainly trippy visuals that turned too intense for me, not much information and yet another ego death, I think that was the main lesson shrooms' taught me other than the art...that we're not just the human body, we are consciousness which has no end. 

Till next time.
Stevie x


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