Live For The Moment X Mental Health Monday

If my psychotic episode taught me anything, it'd be to live for the now - don't take tomorrow for granted because life really could be over sooner than you imagined. I'm healing and can see things clearer now but it wasn't this way for about 8 months, I really did think life could be over at any given hour to come. I'm not going into details about the psychotic episode I've probably said too much already, but there are things that have changed as a result of it; like living for today, making the most out of life and being grateful for the little things. See my psychotic episode forced me to give up for a while on absolutely everything in life and my mindset may not have been perfect but since beginning to heal I've learnt that living for the moment certainly has it's benefits. I've achieved so much in the past 6 months it's unreal the difference it's made having this mindset shift from leaving everything till tomorrow to just getting shit done, doing absolute BITS with the time I have. 

So how do you live for the moment? Well, it's different for everyone but start by not tasking everything till another day. Set realistic goals that you can get done in the day, this will help build your confidence too. Living for the moment is important because if your life was to be over in an instant then would you be happy with your last day? nope? then you know what you need to change...It's always the little things man; Like speaking with your loved ones. Do the things your soul yearns for. For me, it was stop replying tomorrow and doing the stuff i'd set out to that i'd had no choice but to quit. So here I am, as cosmiccreativebits feeling happier knowing I give everyday my all to self care and helping others; by showing how to do therapeutic art through Pintrest, this blog and helping anyway I can in real life too. Sometimes that's just being a good friend/family member but sometimes it's more than that. 

A word of warning don't over task yourself just because you're living for the now, remember burnout is a thing and self care is important.  Best believe I've over done it and regretted it, you wouldn't thank yourself if that was your last day. Finding a balance between doing the things you want and getting enough happy time is key. 

What are some things you need to change if you were to live in the moment? 

Till next time,

Stevie x


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