How To Overcome Anxiety

So there's two types of anxiety, general anxiety about life stressors or the future and then there's social anxiety which is you guessed it in social situations; You can struggle with both at the same time and it can feel like once you have anxiety that it's never ending, confidence/self-esteem plummets as a result and it can be difficult to see there's a way out. The truth is we all get anxiety, it's not something we either have or don't have as our personality trait we all experience some form of it but when it gets out of hand and affects your daily decisions then it becomes a mental illness. The good news is there is a way to overcome your anxiety and it's not as complicated as you may have first thought!

To overcome anxiety you've got to break the cycle same with depression but I spoke about that in previous post. With social anxiety you've gotta do the thing that you're anxious about, it's tough love methodology because why would do the thing that's causing the anxiety but if you always run away from it then the anxiety is in control not you. It's a safety mechanism designed to protect you in the short term by releasing the anxiety but actually makes the anxiety stronger for next time - it's like you're training your brain. But I can tell you if you push through and stay in the anxiety situation even if you're having a panic attack it WILL pass and you'll prove to yourself you're stronger than you thought. It's not easy having anxiety as mental illness but I hope you try to overcome it because it is possible. Once you've pushed through once keep practising this when you feel ready, deliberately put yourself in an anxiety situation so you're exposed to it and can overcome and repeat as many times as needed. It may not feel nice at first but you gotta believe with each attempt you'll feel more and more comfortable and it's not a quick fix process to unlearn all the times you let the anxiety be in control, but when you make progress it feels amazing! For normal anxiety you've still to break the cycle by being focused on present moment, try 10 minute guided meditations on YouTube to help with this. 

What are some ways you try to manage your anxiety?

 Till next time,

Stevie x 


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