New Experiences X Mental Health Monday
Try new things even if you think you'll be no good at it, the only way to know is if you try, remember practice is key to most things but if you're not enjoying it then at least you've tried it to say it's not for you.
Last year I did stone carving an ancient art form yano like The Flintstones style (rock money carved out) or tombstone writing, in modern day people make sculptures but that's incredibly advanced skill level. Anyways I really liked the idea of stone carving but the execution on my behalf it wasn't for me, glad I tried it though. I did volunteering for an up-cycling group too (revamping furniture) a blessed skill to have learnt and one of the best experiences to have been part of, I'd deffo do it again in the future if I get chance.
Recently I've started playing Snooker which most of us have heard of; I'm a complete beginner so i'm a bit hit and miss but I've played pool before and really wanna learn how to play snooker properly. I've also started Tai Chi (Lee Style Form) - it's like a dancing version of yoga but a martial art form, all about connecting energy points and learning to go with the flow whilst doing set movements in a certain order...looseyyy goosey baby! lol sorry not sorry, idk how else to explain it but it's ace and I wish i'd found out about it/tried it sooner.
New experiences don't have to cost a lot of money, borrow a book from the library, you can go for a walk/bike ride a way you've never been before or paint your nails bright pink just because you never have. It can be difficult to think of new experiences to have but the chances are there's still MANY things you've never tried like fish fingers and custard together *an iconic scene - if you know, you knowww* not that i'm recommending you try that but whatever floats your boat. Join local groups if you can, it's a great way to meet new people and try out new things.
I understand not everyone has the resources, time or energy for new experiences but if you can make the time to try something new no matter how big or small then you'll be living not just surviving.
What new experiences have you tried or want to try?
Till next time,
Stevie x
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