Understanding Art For Beginners

Art is something that is actually very simple yet gets complicated. Art is whatever you want it to be and that is why it gets so confusing. Understanding what art is can be made easier through experimentation of different mediums (mediums are art supplies you use to produce e.g different types of paint, pencils, pens etc.) with enough practice you'll figure out which mediums you like to use and eventually you'll discover your own art style. Everyone's art style is different a bit like handwriting it's unique to you, it may be similar to others but it won't have the exact same mistakes. Why art can be whatever you want is because we don't all have the same preferences but we can find commonalities between peoples styles; this would be things like Portraiture, Landscapes, Realism, Abstract, Expressionism etc. Now it's okay if some of these words make no sense to you, it's just a way of describing what type of style you produce. Within the type of style yo...