How to say 'NO' and feel good about it


When you have mental health problems it can be difficult to even think of saying no to someone, there's like a block on being able to do it but you can overcome this when you start to prioritise yourself and your schedule; you can't say yes to everything because then you'll end up burnt out and letting a bunch of people down further worsening your mental health...ultimately you need to schedule some time for yourself/ things you enjoy as well as your to-do's and socialising. 

 The secret to saying no is you 'don't have to excuse yourself by lying and you don't need to over explain or apologise'. You can have an answer prepared like I'll have a look at my calendar/schedule and get back to you asap. This buys you some time to answer so you can determine whats really important without over doing it. 

"Be aware that refusal does not equal rejection" infact people respect you more when you learn to say no and you don't need to feel bad about saying no because it's better to let someone down gently than to say yes and not have time and letting them down that way which isn't very nice for either party. 

I used to feel it was impolite to say no but sometimes ya gotta say no and be true to you and your priority's. You can't pour from an empty cup, make time for yourself regularly. 

What are some things you struggle to say no to? 

Till next time,

Stevie x


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