Wilko - 12 Watercolour Pencils X Review


After buying some watercolour pencils that weren't quite upto par, I decided to buy some from Wilko for £2.25 which is mega cheap for watercolour pencils. I usually like the quality of Wilko's art supplies so i'm gutted they've gone into liquidation and will be closing forever. I'd never tried their watercolour pencils before so I was keen to try them out. 

Below is the swatch of the 12 watercolour pencils:

They're super creamy when applying you don't have to press down really hard to get a vibrant colour. I like the colour range and think it suits most people's projects. 
It effortlessly became watercolour I was really impressed at how vibrant it stayed, the paper did bobble up a bit but I went over the same area a few times to test if the watercolour pencil would just disappear with more water which it didn't happen. 

Have you ever tried Wilko's art products? Get your hands on them while you still can!

Till next time,
Stevie x


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