Taking Things Personally X Mental Health Monday
Taking things personally can cause a lot of unnecessary stress and/or can even be traumatic depending on the situation and a person's resilience levels at that time. Taking things personally is not actually a thing where you're obsessed with yourself or hold importance of yourself in every situation it's kinda the opposite, it's a somewhat victim mindset concerned with reputation feeling as though your 'character, abilities or personal achievements are under attack'. For example where you take that what someone did/said is related to you in some way shape or form and being unable to see how it's not like that, which yeah in some sense is self centred but not in an arrogant way. "It's normal to care about what others think about us but not to the point where it hinders us" Taking things personally is generally a result of low self-esteem and low self-confidence; when you always think negatively of yourself e.g. believing everything is your faul...