Tips For Getting Back On Track
Being an adult is hard and that's without mental health problems coming into the mix... things can quickly pile up and when they pile up the mind can become chaotic which can be stressful. Tips For Getting Back On Track: First things first is to decide are you swamped by mental health? life tasks? feeling lost? Depending where you are will determine how much you need to get back on track and which tips you should prioritise and these tips can be done in any order. If you're feeling lost a good place to start would be to do a deep clean, organise your stuff and de-clutter the stuff you never use or don't like anymore.This could take a while depending on your situation, you don't have to achieve it all in the day, task one room per day if this is easier. Once you've finished cleaning, organising and de-cluttering your home, sort out your digital stuff this could be your phone, laptop/PC, Ipad/tablet - again this could take a while. Delete all the random stuff you...